In a public enterprise like passenger transport, public relations is of unique importance. Public relations is the vital link between the corporation and the passengers. The public relations department plays an important role in raising the image of the corporation in the public mind
After the establishment of the Corporation in the year 1949, Public Relations Branch was started in the Corporation. The important task of the public relations department was to create a favorable environment for the nationalization of passenger transport and also to inculcate the importance of nationalized passenger transport in the minds of the public against private transport. Over time, the role of public relations changed according to the situation and public relations work was done according to the situation. However, the responsibility of establishing amicable relations between the corporation and the passengers is always carried out by the public relations wing.
Most of the public relations work of the entire corporation is being handled through the public relations department at the central office and currently there are 1 public relations officers, 1 Establish supervisor or 2 Junior Asst .and 2 junior clerks working here. Public Relations Branch Hon. Working under the direct supervision of the Vice President and Managing Director, the local public relations work is looked after at the departmental level through the Department Controller.
To raise the image of the Corporation in the public mind by establishing harmony and cordial relations while implementing the Corporation's policy of providing adequate, efficient, cost-effective, safe and quality services to passengers.
The nature of work of Public Relations Branch is as follows: Publicity media is used to establish good relations with the media, to raise the image in the public mind and to create good relations with the public. In order to inform the public about the activities implemented by the corporation, leaflets are circulated and press conferences and press tours are organized. Interviews with senior officers are also conducted on news channels. To take proper note of the news, suggestions/complaints, articles of passengers etc. from the newspaper related to ST Corporation and also to properly investigate the critical news and disclose the facts to the viewer.
ST Corporation provides services in the state, urban and rural areas on the principle of "Road there ST" in fact at a loss to the remote tribal areas assuring quality, regular, economical, punctual, comfortable and safe travel. In today's competitive era ST services are more and more In order to achieve that the schemes designed to be public oriented are to be communicated to all the public and their participation is to be achieved, the following are the objectives of the Public Relations Branch :-
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