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Intermediate Workshop Dapodi, Pune

Sr. No. Branch/Post Department STD Code No. Telephone No. e-mail
1. Workshop Administrator  M.K.Dapodi,Pune  020 29970832 wmcwd@gmail.com 
2. Production branch  M.O.Dapodi,Pune 020 29952064 cwd.prod@rediffmail.com
3. Statistics Officer M.O.Dapodi, Pune -- -- cwdpunestatofficer@gmail.com 
4. Outlay Branch   M.O.Dapodi, Pune -- -- aaocost.cwd@gmail.com 
5. Safety and Efficiency Officer M.O.Dapodi, Pune 020 29952068 svostcwd@gmail.com  
6. Store branch  M.O.Dapodi, Pune 020 29952066 stcwd.store@rediffmail.com / msrtcstrcwd@yahoo.com
7. Sata Branch  M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune 020 29952067 stcwd.coach@rediffmail.com 
8. Research and Development Branch  M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune 020 29952062 msrtc.rnd@yahoo.com  
9. Establishment Branch   M.K.Dapodi,Pune  -- -- est.cwd@rediffmail.com 
10. Expenditure Accounts Officer   M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune -- -- msrtc.costao@gmail.com
11. Accounts Branch (Payroll) M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune 020 29952063 stcwd.acctpay@gmail.com 
12. Accounts Branch (Audit) M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune -- -- stcwdacct12@gmail.com 
13. Superintendent (Engine ) M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune -- -- supdtengine42@gmail.com  
14. TRP  M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune -- -- trp.cwd12@gmail.com 
 15. Administrative Branch   M.K.Dapodi,Pune   020 29952061  --
16. Senior Repository Officer   M.Ka.Dapodi,Pune 020 29952065 --

Intermediate Workshop Aurangabad

Sr.No. position  Department  STD Code No. Telephone No. e-mail     
1. Workshop Administrator  M.O.Aurangabad  0240 2240140 wmcwc1@gmail.com 
2. Senior Accounts Officer   MCA Aurangabad  0240 2240142  cwa_accounts@ymail.com
3. Superintendent (Engine ) MCA, Aurangabad  0240 2240143  cwcengine@rediffmail.com 
4. Superintendent (Coach )  M.Ka.Aurangabad  0240 2240144  stcwcawbcoach@gmail.com 
5. Deputy Superintendent (Production) M.Ka.Aurangabad  0240 2240145 cwcawb_prod@rediffmail.com  
6. Security and Vigilance Officer  M.Ka.Aurangabad  0240 2240146  stcwasvo@gmail.com 
7. Senior Repository Officer   M.Ka.Aurangabad  0240 2240147  msrtcstrscwa@yahoo.com 
8. Statistical Officer  M.Ka.Aurangabad  0240 2240145  cwcawb_stat@rediffmail.com  

Central Workshop Nagpur

Sr. No Designation Functioning Area STD Code No. Telephone No. Email_id
1 Works Manager, Central Workshop, Hingna, Nagpur 0712 234793 wmcwn@rediffmail.com
2 Sr.Accounts Officer Central Workshop, Hingna, Nagpur 07104 237024
3 Supdt. Central Workshop, Nagpur 07104 2372224
4 Asstt.Per.Officer Central Workshop, Hingna, Nagpur 07104 234794
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